Running your planning data with TRESIO

Data planning with TRESIO helps you make smarter decisions based on your own situation, goals, and how much risk you’re comfortable with. It’s like having a roadmap for your money. Plus, TRESIO’s tools can show you clear pictures of how your finances are doing, spotting trends and patterns that make your planning even more accurate. This kind of planning helps businesses predict different scenarios, avoid financial surprises, and coordinate their various operations effectively. If you’re interested in learning more about Planning data using the TRESIO application, you can watch our tutorial video (06:24) at the bottom of this article.

How to set up planning data

Planning Data represents the income structure of your company with expected revenue and all incoming and outgoing financial activities. The Planning Data screen allows you to set up an unlimited amount of planning elements per selected scenario. You can also duplicate elements and export selected elements of data to Excel or PDF.

What the Planning Data screen shows:

  • Attributes – shown only if there is a scenario hierarchy
  • Scenario – name of the parent scenario, displayed only if a child scenario is selected
  • Category – financial activity category type: Inflow/Outflow/Financing, if the required category is not presented in the list, it can be added on the ‘Categories’ screen
  • Name – planning data element name
  • Planning Type – can be selected from a predefined list of payment or growth types, or percentage of other element/category
  • Amount – planning element amount
  • Currency – planning element currency
  • Next payment – next payment date for recurrent events or ‘Passed’ if expired
  • End date – last payment date or left unspecified/infinite
  • Description – an expanded view of setup options that will vary depending on the selected Planning Type. Warning messages will also be shown here

How to set up a planning element

To set up a new planning element click on the ‘New’ button and provide all required details. Depending on the ‘Planning type’ you will be asked to provide different details.

To amend an element please click on the Pencil icon to update or Trash icon to delete.

Please note, in Instances of a ‘child’ scenario, all planning elements set up for the ‘parent’ scenario will get inherited and the user will not be able to amend, duplicate or delete them, but only correct them in percentiles via the ‘Correct’ option. If more elements are required for a child scenario they can be added via the ‘New’ option.

How to View your elements on the Forecast and Dashboard screens

The Forecast screen – will show planning data on the chart, together with invoices. Please note that invoices will be shown only in the gray ‘Open Invoices’ (actuals) area which is s set to display a period of 30-days by default. Unless payments are created for the ‘Is fixed’ category, that is not assuming invoices for cash flows such as: permanent order leasing, wage payments or rent. These type of cash flows will be taken into account in both the plan and actual data.

The ‘Open Invoices’ period can be changed in ‘Additional settings’ > ‘Forecast – comparison plan / is data’ if required.

A detailed breakdown per category type can be viewed if the ‘show all’ option under ‘Forecast Details’ is selected.

Click on the total amount to see the breakdown details splitting planning data and invoices.

Switch to the ‘Plan data only’ tab if you would like to view planning data only.

The Dashboard screen – shows all planning data on a chart. Currently there is no segregation between planning data and invoices, but this feature is under development and coming soon.

How to create and manage personal views using filters

The Planning Data screen currently offers three data views: Show all data, Sales, and Personnel cost. Each of these views will display a different number of columns on the screen to include the most important data for the selected view.

If you need a different data view, you can create a new view by selecting the ‘Add new view’, which will open the ‘All data view’ where you can add or remove specific filters and save your new view under a unique name.

You can also duplicate one of the existing views, by entering the view mode and clicking on the Duplicate button.

To remove an unwanted view, just click on the Remove button. For more details on workspace filters, see our blog.

How to troubleshoot planning data

Let’s have a look at the situation when your planning data is not shown for the 1st month on the Forecast screen. In the example below, you have a planning element set up as recurrent monthly salary payment starting from 6 Sep 2023.

Let’s go to the Forecast screen, the Forecast tab and set the ‘Report date’ to 1 Sep 2023.

Let’s expand and look at Forecast Details now. As you can see, the planning data has not been taken into account for the 1st month. The reason for this is that the system shows only real data for the first month, and all planning elements will be shown starting from the next month.

Only invoices will be taken into account for the 1st month, in our case invoice 555 with the due date at the end of Sep 2023.

Let’s change the Forecast report date to 12 Sep 2023.

Looking at the Forecast details now, you will see that for the second month the amount is still zero, when you would expect to see your planning data. The reason is that ‘Report date’ is set to 12 Sep 2023, and the gray area for ‘Open Invoices’ will cover the period of 30 days (the default setting that we didn’t change) from 12 Sep 2023 to 12 Oct 2023. Your planning data element is due on 6th day of every month starting from 6 Sep 2023, and the 2nd payment is due on 6th October 2023, but in our case it falls right into the gray area between: 12 Sep 2023 to 12 Oct 2023, and this the why the planning element will not be shown.

Tutorial video (06:24)

If you’re interested in learning more you can watch our tutorial video.